Take your freelance makeup skills up a few notches. Learn the art of portfolio development and marketing. Also, learn about out-of-the-kit special effects and prosthetic transfers. You will discover how to both hand-lay and ventilate facial hair, hair punch, style wigs, and more. Students will create up to 20 portfolio images by the end of this program.
Students who complete this program will receive a certificate authorized by the Tennessee Higher Education Commission.

Program Overview
- Clock Hours: 606
- Award: Certificate
- Meets: 3 days per week
- Duration: 10 months
- Student to Teacher Ratio: 12:1
Course Requirements
- Portfolio Development – 60 hours
- Makeup Artistry I – 140 hours
- Makeup Artistry II – 112 hours
- Intro to Special Effects – 126 hours
- Intro to Wig & Hair Styling – 140 hours
- Minding your Business – 28 hours