Our instructors are industry experts with extensive experience in arts and entertainment, ensuring you learn from the very best to become the future best.
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100% of students would take another course with these instructors in the future
We are committed to providing our students with the knowledge, skills, and experience necessary to succeed in their chosen career path. Our programs are designed to be hands-on and practical, with a focus on real-world experience and industry-standard techniques. At AMUA, we measure our success by the success of our graduates. We strive to produce makeup artists that employers want to hire, and we are proud to say that most of our students accept paying jobs before graduating from our programs.
Our Mission
At AMUA, our mission is to use hands-on programs with real-world techniques and industry standards to cultivate makeup and costume artists who are in demand by employers.
How We Help
We’re here to support your career journey from enrollment to graduation and beyond.
Art Foundations
We will help build a solid foundation on which you can build your artistic career.
Performance Reviews
We meet with students every semester to assess their growth and manage their training plans.
Career Planning
We will work with you to create a personalized plan to help you achieve your career goals.
Portfolio Building
With each class you enroll in at AMUA, your artistic and professional portfolio will grow significantly.
Technical Skills
Whether it’s makeup artistry, special effects, wig & hair, or costuming, we provide the expertise to kickstart your career.
Every student is matched with an instructor to provide guidance throughout their journey.
Our Dedicated Team
Our instructors not only hold State approval but are also industry luminaries in the fields of makeup, special effects, hair, and costume design.

School Owner
Ashley Lords
Once a makeup artist, now the mother of AMUA

Special Effects Department Head
Ben Rittenhouse
25+ years experience in special effects makeup for film & television

Hair & Wig Department Head
Mimi Palazon
25+ years experience in wig & hair for film & television

Makeup Department Head
Claire Mints
Makeup artist with 5+ years experience in film and special events.

School Director & Costume Department Head
Lori Gann-Smith
MFA with 25+ years experience in costume design for theater & film

Marketing Coordinator & Portfolio Development Instructor
Sophia Goss
Marketing guru and portfolio development instructor

3D Printing Associate Instructor
Capri Biangardi
Performance Makeup Artist Program alumna and Intro to 3D printing instructor

History of Makeup & Costume Associate Instructor
Stefanie Bone
Makeup for Beauty & Fashion alumna and history buff

Drawing Instructor
Henry Higginbotham
MFA with 20+ years experience as a professional artist
Academy of Make Up Arts is authorized by the Tennessee Higher Education Commission, a Division of Postsecondary Education. This authorization must be renewed each year and is based on an evaluation of minimum standards concerning quality of education, ethical business practices, and fiscal responsibility. Academy of Make Up Arts is a MAC Pro Approved School.
View our most recent Annual Performance Report here.